Nutrition and child's development

From the moment a baby is born, parents must pay particular attention to feeding and hydrating him or her. Numerous scientific studies warn against the effects of undernutrition during early childhood (0 to 7 years). These can be long-lasting and have a negative impact on cognitive and behavioural development during and even after the child's school years.

Impact of diet on educational performance

A good diet results in optimal brain development and performance. If the brain does not receive the nutrition it needs to develop via a balanced diet from the start of pregnancy, it will face huge difficulties in performing its functions.

Good nutrition during the prenatal period and first seven years of life is fundamental to the entire body's development.

An appropriate diet during early and later childhood is essential if children are to reach their full potential in terms of growth, health and psychosocial and physical development.


Type of Food


Dairy products

Children must consume milk (at least half a litre per day). Unless advised by a medical professional, the milk must not be skimmed. A yoghurt or portion of cheese can be eaten in addition to or instead of a glass of milk.


It is not necessary to eat meat every day. It is best to alternate with fish. Make sure that different types of meat are eaten.


Children should be encouraged to eat fish, particularly oily fish, such as sardines, mackerel and anchovies.


Eggs contain excellent levels of protein, comparable to fish or meat. No more than four or five eggs should be eaten per week.


Eat in moderation, to allow room for other vegetable accompaniments and salad.


Encourage children to eat fresh fruit.

Vegetables and salad

Get children used to eating vegetables and salads as a main meal or as an accompaniment to meat, fish and egg dishes.


Children must eat enough bread. It is high in carbohydrate and therefore contributes to a balanced diet


Moderate pasta consumption in favour of meals with greater nutritional variety, particularly in terms of fibre, such as pulses and legumes, fresh vegetables and salads.


Rice and wheat can be easily combined with other foods. It is essential to accompany them with vegetables.


Consume in moderation.

Soft drinks

When consumed outside meal times, soft drinks can lead to loss of appetite. They should be kept as an occasional treat.


The body needs fats, as they provide fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. Excessive fat consumption is not recommended and the proportion of total calories provided by fats should not exceed 30%.